A co-worker left an article by Doug Giles in my mailbox this morning. It's called "A Profane Faith." She said I may not have written it but she could hear me saying it. Halfway through the article I thought - this is what I believe but I'm not so great at making it a reality. Here's the part I liked best:
"To help you take your Christianity out of the Christian ghetto where the secularists would love you to remain, here's a simple can do: start to see life as a whole. Begin to merge, as J.I. Packer says:
Your Christianity with culture,
Your contemplation with achievement,
Your worship with work,
Your labor with rest,
Your fasting with a Fosters,
Your love of God with love of neighbor and self,
Your personal identity with social identity,
Your wide spectrum of relational responsibilities with each other in a thoroughly conscientious and considered way.
Try that next week, next month and the next few years, and watch your influence spread like butter."
It's nothing new really. My favorite was the line about the Fosters. I think because if you're talking about beer - you're talking about bars. Why not go there?It seems I have segregated myself from non-Christians in an unconscious manner. I want to become a part of people's lives who don't get church, much less, The Salvation Army. Fado Fado, here I come. I think the early slum sisters did that.