Monday, January 30, 2006


There aren't words to describe how elated a girl can get when she watches her husband do what the Lord gifted him to do. Friday night Marty played at the Georgia ski retreat and he was able to do all of his own songs except for one. The response of the crowd, the presence of the Holy Spirit, the support of friends were all incredibly tangible. I couldn't stop beaming. I may be a little biased but I know he's got talent and I know he's going places. I just wish we knew which places.

Jason did a great job planning the Young Adult retreat. We took a detour from the beaten path and instead of doing normal meetings we had small groups for the entire weekend. Some of the studies were better than others but Sunday mornings left me begging for more. There wasn't enough time to finish the study and I really wanted to get there. I think it was partly because we studied one of my favorite scripture passages; Philippians 2: 1-11. Perhaps it's my favorite because I just can't get it. Anyway, I walked away begging the question - how much does obedience play a part in humility? What would it truly look like to "consider others better than yourselves" with regard to obedience to Christ? I think it's a legitimate question. One I don't want to rush past.

Saturday afternoon we skied. I was pretty impressed with my ability since it had been two years. I fell mostly when standing still or waiting in line. I'm not sure that many others can boast of that trait.

It was great to hang out with everyone - Bethany, Matt, Danielle, Kris, Jeremy, Kelly, Lesley, Jason, Robin.

It was great to hang out with everyone - Bethany, Matt, Danielle, Kris, Jeremy, Kelly, Lesley, Jason, Robin.

Thanks for making this weekend exactly what I needed - exactly that, a retreat.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Chris' Going Away Party

My friend Chris is moving to Sri Lanka for 3 years. I'm so excited for him but will miss him too. He gets to do some amazing work for the Tsunami victims. While he's there he'll coordinate the construction of 600 homes as well as teach those affected by the storm a new trade. How cool is that?

Good luck Chris! We'll all be praying for you. Here's a pic from the party. I took many more but none of them really turned out as well as this one.


Friday, January 20, 2006

"In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed." Exodus 15:13

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


From Donald Miller's "Through Painted Deserts"

I could not have known that everybody, every person, has to leave, has to change like seasons; they have to or they die. The season remind me that I must keep changing, and I want to change because it is God's way. All my life I have been changing. I changed from a baby to a child, from soft toys to play daggers. I changed into a teenager to drive a car, into a worker to spend some money. I will change into a husband to love a woman, into a father to love a child, change houses so we are near water, and again so we are near mountains, and again so we are near friends, keep changing with my wife, getting our love so it dies and gets born again and again, like a garden, fed by four seasons, a cycle of change. Everybody has to change, or they expire. Everybody has to leave, everybody has to leave their home and come back so they can love it again for all new reasons.

I want to keep my soul fertile for the changes, so things keep getting born in me, so things keep dying when it is time for things to die. I want to keep walking away from the person I was a moment ago, because a Mind was made to figure things out, not to read the same page recurrently.

I wondered when I read that page in his book if I was fertile soil for change; if I just simply talk about change and want it but am too afraid to make it happen; or if I'd change but the chance just wasn't offering itself. I was afraid of the former and mad at the latter.

This year seems to be birthing in Marty and I's life new things. Before we were ever married we laid our lives on the line and asked the Lord to do things with us that we could never imagine. Then we kept praying and begging and pleading. It seems that now the Lord is beginning to allow those prayers to come into reality. Just now I'm thankful for the fact that He is showing us how valuable we are to Him.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


It's almost eery how well ROOTS went this year - especially in the Illuminate (Teen) Venue. We had about 35 teens at every meeting and the leadership team was incredible. TransMission led Praise and Worship and throughout the weekend the teens had different opportunities to give over parts of their lives to the Lord. One teen accepted Christ and has now given himself the name the New Found Sheep. We were able to welcome him to the family on Sunday morning with cheers and celebration. The greatness of it all was overwhelming. Watching teens choose to forgive - completely and truly some of the people who have hurt them so deeply is almost beyond comprehension. Watching them decide to live "ordinary" lives for Christ through their relationships, through their roles at school and work and home was inspiring. Even I have a hard time making the ordinary part of my life count and yet they were willing to give Him that part too!

Conferences like ROOTS, TYI, Youth Councils sometimes pump teens up for a weekend or a week only to send them home and back to the life they lived before. That's just it though isn't it? Shouldn't they live the life they were living before only as individuals who have been transformed by the Holy Spirit? Russ spoke of how when Jesus sent his disciples out into the world he sent them out as sheep among wolves. That's what our teens are - sheep among wolves. All I pray is that somehow, someway, we equipped them to live holy lives among those wolves.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Ah to be 28

Yesterday morning I woke up and all of a sudden I was 28. I was remembering on my way home from church my 18th birthday and couldn't believe it has been 10 years! I've been out of High School for 10 years, I've been an adult (whatever that is) for 10 years. This is strange.

I didn't even remember. Marty tapped me on the shoulder and told me "Happy Birthday" yesterday morning and I said, "Oh yeah, today is my birthday."

Marty is such an excellent husband and my family is just as fantastic and all of that is backed up by pretty great friends. Last night I had a surprise party! I knew we were going to dinner at Macaroni Grill but thought it was just my family. I get there and 21 of my friends and family were there to let me know how much they love me. I couldn't believe it! On top of that I couldn't believe that Marty was able to keep it a secret. He usually gives things away.

Sometimes in your life you are overwhelmed and don't have any words to say. That doesn't happen to me all that often but last night was one of those times. It was as if everything important in my life was sitting right in front of me - my mom, my dad, my brother and sister-in-law, Marty and all my friends who live nearby. I just can't get over it.

I'm wondering what this year will bring for me. Some changes are definitely on the horizon and I can't wait. I'm clinging to the fact that I am known by my Father and that He will lead both Marty and I there - wherever that is. I'm looking forward to this stage of life. It only seems to get better and better.

All of you who came last night - your presence in my life is so meaningful. Thank you for showing me how much you care. To those of you who wanted to be there but couldn't because of distance, please know that you were thought of and loved.


Pictures to come.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Thank YOU!

I just wanted to say here thank you to all of you who prayed and are praying for my father. Thank you all for standing alongside me with your mouths wide open. Thank you for your wisdom and understanding.

He went back to the doctor today and had more tests done. He won't find out the results of those tests until tonight or tomorrow but I'm rejoicing early. The doctor told my dad that he would not have to go through radiation or chemotherapy! I don't know everything that means but I know it's good news and my insides are doing cartwheels!

I know that the Lord answered my prayer and the prayers of so many and I'm so thankful. I know that how he answers our prayers doesn't determine whether or not he's good. God just is good. Today and yesterday and the day before, when everything was so chaotic, the Lord showed me his goodness through friends and family who cared. He's a good God who blesses us with so much - most of all friends like you.

Thank you!