Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Thank YOU!

I just wanted to say here thank you to all of you who prayed and are praying for my father. Thank you all for standing alongside me with your mouths wide open. Thank you for your wisdom and understanding.

He went back to the doctor today and had more tests done. He won't find out the results of those tests until tonight or tomorrow but I'm rejoicing early. The doctor told my dad that he would not have to go through radiation or chemotherapy! I don't know everything that means but I know it's good news and my insides are doing cartwheels!

I know that the Lord answered my prayer and the prayers of so many and I'm so thankful. I know that how he answers our prayers doesn't determine whether or not he's good. God just is good. Today and yesterday and the day before, when everything was so chaotic, the Lord showed me his goodness through friends and family who cared. He's a good God who blesses us with so much - most of all friends like you.

Thank you!

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