The Saturday of Commissioning Justice chose not to eat from 3 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Yes, I was scared to death BECAUSE not only had he not eaten but he was so lethargic - just laying still not moving really. He hadn't slept either and he was pooping a lot and not peeing. So, I was scared. We probably should've taken him to the E.R. but once he ate I felt better, took him home so that he could sleep and the next day all was well!
Connie and Andy - thanks so much for the formula and the advice, as well as the consulation. Sue - thanks to you too! I really needed a few moms to help me realize that he wasn't actually going to die and that he would be okay. I guess it's weird that when anything goes wrong I think he's going to die but I do. Go figure!
To all of you who saw me bawling my eyes out and were worried, I'm sorry for causing worry. Everything's fine, I promise. I'll try not to make such a big scene next time around!
Today Justice is 7 weeks old! I didn't have a chance to post a six weeks picture so, that's first and then the seven weeks. It's amazing how much he's grown in just a little time. I laid him down in his bassinet last week and I had to take a double take because his head was at the top and his feet were pushing against the bottom. I thought, when did that happen? So, that's his seven week picture. I'm sad because he'll have to start sleeping in his crib probably next week and I'm not sure I'm ready for him to be all the way in another room. Of course, it is only about five steps but it's too soon! I watched other kids this weekend and was filled with bittersweet emotions. I can't wait for him to grow up and do those fantastic things that children do but at the same time I just want him to stay the same - all cuddly and cozy.


He's a happy baby now. He smiles all the time and even laughs every once in a while. He's got a fire truck that hangs above his changing table and almost every time I change his diaper he has a conversation with that thing. He loves it!
He coos back all the time and he's awake more of the day. I'm not quite sure what to do with him now that he's awake so much of the time. I could get so much more done during the day when he slept. Yikes! I guess I'll have to learn.
Have a great week. Next week he's 2 months! I can't believe it. We're heading to Tampa this weekend. Hopefully this time around the travel won't be so rough. We'll see.
To enjoying this week and taking it all in.