and the little one said
"Roll Over, Roll Over"
And since Justice is no longer the little one (according to the charts at the dr.'s office)- he complied and rolled right over from his back to his stomache and has been rolling over ever since.
He is also cutting two teeth which is SOOO MUCH FUN for mommy and daddy. My happy, smiley, fun baby has now become cranky and just plain mad for most of the day. Pretty difficult to deal with. We've pretty much hooked up an IV full of Tylenol to him to keep him from being in pain.
He now loves his feet - can't get enough of them. He likes to pull his socks off and he'll also curl up in a ball just to get that big toe in his mouth - quite amusing.
I believe we are in trouble as well. His Granny gave him some water through a straw which he took to with some delight. That, of course, was not the problem. The problem is MY FATHER who got so excited when he heard that Justice can drink out of a straw. Why, you ask. Because now he can give Justice SWEET tea through a straw!! I keep protesting but my dad just looks at me with that smug look on his face and smiles and nods his head. He doesn't care what I want - Justice WILL be served sweet tea! Thankfully, he's leaving for Greece and Turkey today and won't be home for three weeks - so I'm safe for a little while longer.
I have been abandoned by my family this week. Every single one of them has left town. Marty's in TX, mom's going to officers councils, dad's off to Greece, Marty's mom and dad are up to Norfolk to see the other kids and grandkids. So, it's just Justice and me this week. Woohoo! It would figure though that on the very night that we're spending our first night at home by ourselves, Justice would get a fever. Then, the next morning, I would fall down the stairs on the front porch while carrying him. Thankfull I'm the only one who got a few scrapes here and there. I was quite scared however. Only 3 sleeps until they all return.
Here's to days flying by and nights when Justice only wakes up twice. Please Lord, make it so.