My friend over at posted this challenge that she pulled off of another blog she reads. L is a fantastic writer and you should go check her out. For the three people who still read my blog, I decided to take the challenge because, well, what else am I going to do right now?
Once again, Little White Liar has posted a Composition Challenge, and I'm obliged
Make a list of 5-10 things you want. Make them things you personally want for you (no Miss America "World Peace" shenanigans). Then think of one thing you need. You can't already have it, because really, who do you think you are? Just rubbing your self-contentment in everybody's gaping life-holes.
What do I want?
1. I want more me time. I spend a good part of my life doing things for other people. I clean, I cook, I lug a 13 month around. I would love to be able to have a night that's just mine every week. The trouble is it's not really possible because of #2.
2. I want more time with my family. I know, it sounds crazy but I do. I want to be able to stay home with my son during the week sometimes. I want Marty and I not to travel so much. I want us to be together more. I believe in quality time and I also believe in quantity time and so far, I'm not getting enough quantity time.
3. I want something new and challenging. This may get me into a little bit of trouble but I'd like a new challenge in my life. I have held the same position for eight years. Straight out of college I started working here and have ever since (obviously). I'd like a place that exercises a different part of my brain - pushes me farther - teaches me more - takes more effort. I like my job - especially the part that allows me to be around young adults but I'm up for a new something or another.
4. I want sleep. I feel like this is quite possibly my motto. I'm a light sleeper. When I change locations, I don't sleep well and I've been changing locations quite frequently. I've also been going nonstop for 2 weeks. This is not a call for pity. It's just the truth. I'm the type of person who needs 8 hours of sleep every night to function properly. I don't get 8 hours often enough. Thus, I just want sleep - not more (although it's true) just enough.
5. I want to see the world. Because of my job I have been and seen so many places but it's not enough. I want more. I love culture. I love ethnic food. I love languages. I love to watch how people from foreign countries interact. I love the history of other places. I want to live somewhere that's not here. So, let's go!
1 thing I need:
Something in my brain that can recall the thing I just forgot. I know, weird, but way too often I leave my office or my room at home and wind up in front of the person for whom I had a question and cannot for the life of me remember the stupid question. This doesn't just happen to me once in a while. It happens all the time. I suppose what I need is a better memory but seriously, I would just be happy with a device that was like a bring up file. It would bring up the image or question or whatever I just forgot.
By the way, I also think that there are invisible shields in doorways and stairways that make you forget things and you don't realize it until you're actually standing in front of that person making a fool out of yourself!