So, today marks 13 weeks. There's a collective sigh of relief hanging in the air around our house. It's like it's okay now to finally say we're pregnant (even though we were doing that before). It's like we know now that this baby is going to hang around for the whole thing and we'll get to hold her or him (although we're hoping for a her) in just a few more months. What in the world?!?
I keep thinking through how this one is different. The first and BEST part of this one is that the heartburn that kept me up all hours of the day and night, made me drink the coldest liquids I could get my hands on, made me stay away from some of my favorite foods (peanut butter, need I say more), is non-existent this time. Hallelujah! The second is and next BEST part is that I am not afraid this time around. I was terrified with Justice. I couldn't talk about labor and delivery without breaking out into cold sweats. The third best part is that now that I'm not a first time mom, other moms horror stories don't seem to seek me out like I'm the last healthy cell in a plague ridden body.
There were and are obviously some down sides to this pregnancy. The first was all the scares we went through. I cried often and much thinking I had miscarried - AGAIN!! I lived like I was a porcelain doll for several weeks, wishing I could simply take a walk around the block or clean my house. At the same time I revelled in the fact that I got to take a nap every day and wear sweat pants and t-shirts every day. There has been more nausia this time around than last time but that seems to be subsiding and now, all that's left to do is grow a baby.
I was asked last night if there will be more after this. H*** NO!! Should've been my response. I can't go through the torture thinking I might lose another one. I don't like being uncomfortable all the time. Being pregnant may have its benefits but, trust me, I'm not signing up for me. I understand accidents happen but we'll do our best to keep them at bay. If there are more Mikles children to be had, they will come by way of China or the Phillippines thank you very much!
I took a stroll around Babies R Us the other day. I just wanted to see if there was anything I might, you know, NEED this time around. Oh man - are there! I caught myself, however, walking around with a goofy grin. I can relax now and dream. It's all going to be alright! That is the most fantastic feeling in the entire world, well, almost. he he
So, anyway, I just wanted to start blogging my journey. My sense of smell is definitely on high alert. My office shares a wall with the women's bathroom and yep, I can tell when someone's gone in there know. I can smell Lilly's breath from miles away and Marty's farts almost make me throw up. It's a side effect I'm not enjoying.
Today, however, I am giddy. I think this is the first day in a long time that I have felt like myself instead of possessed by some sort of strange alien creature that is making me feel all sorts of crazy, strange things and desire things like dill pickles on lays potato chips. I am living it up today.
I can't imagine my life with two children who call me mommy but I bet it's a fantastic adventure full of crying and laughing and lots of memory making. I can't wait for all of those opportunities.
So, now, I'm off to purchase some fried pickles.