Friday, July 23, 2004

The whole youth department staff just watched the video for The War College that is going to be shown at TYI. What I saw on that video I want for my own life.  The people who get to attend the War College get drenched in knowledge and they get to live their witness and it is a place where dreams and reality meet.  That's what I want more than anything in the world.  I want my dreams, my passion, my desire to serve the Lord to meet with what I do on a daily basis and who I am on a daily basis. I want to live where someone wiser than me pours into me knowledge about my Savior.  I want to thrive in a place where I am challenged not only to know Him but to share Him with the people who need Him - who are dying and going to hell but can become a God follower.  What do I have to do to get there? 

I had this thought - what if Marty and I signed up, went to the War College and spent a year learning, hearing, understanding, becoming and then came back to Atlanta and started one here.  We desperately need something like this right where we are.  We need a 614 corps.  We need people who are radically turned on to the saving power of Jesus Christ and want it for everyone - especially the poor and destitute, those without hope. 

Steven Court talked in the video about how the 614 corps are cell-based corps.  They are corps living in community.  It's not about a building or a program but about living stones making up God's holy temple - I am a living stone and I want to be a part of a church that understands that it's not about program or anything but living in community, being a family and bringing others into that community.  Danielle talked in the video with a growing dissatisfaction with success, with big churches and great events.  That's how I feel now.  I don't need a 7:22 or a North Point Community Church anymore.  They are wonderful and full of people who love the Lord and have an incredible wisdom to see straight to the heart of the matter but I don't need that anymore.  What I really want is to be surrounded by people who love me and care about me and impart TRUTH into my life.  I want to be surrounded by people that I love, that I care for and that I can teach about Jesus.  I'm not much but I love Him and maybe I can share that with people who need that.

How do I, no, How do we get there? I'm not alone in my dreams, desires and hopes.  I'm not the only one who wants this. 

Father, please send us all a mentor, send us someone who can make things happen or raise up in  us the people who can make it happen.  Keep us from fear and from complacency.  I know that we are not the Army that you called us to be right now but I can see it and feel it coming and I can't wait.  I see you raising up a generation of believers who want more than just a cute Sunday morning worship service but want to be active, living, breathing people who care more about others and souls than a building, a program and mostly themselves.  Please help us to get there.  Show us the way to go and the steps we are to take to get there.

You know my heart's desire Lord and so many times it seems like the dreams I have are too different, too separate to ever meet and to ever make sense.  I trust you Lord and I believe that you can make them come true - in your way, in your time.  You are my light and my salvation.  Thank you for making me your child.

I love you,

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