We celebrated his birthday last Saturday with a big shin dig. He didn't like the cake so much. I shoved his hand in there and he simply did not want all that icing all over his hand. So, he slung it everywhere. I'm sure there is probably bright blue icing in places I didn't find on Saturday - like behind the bookcase or inside the air vent. He did, however, love opening the presents but couldn't understand why I kept taking them away just to give him another. The kid is truly loved. He got A LOT of presents - too many if you ask me. We are now faced with the dilemma of figuring out where to put the myriad of toys now.
He was absolutely adorable though. He had a birthday boy hat that he dutifully wore with his Sesame Street Overalls. His favorite present was the Radio Flyer wagon that his Nonnie and Poppa gave him and in which his Granny and Pop Pop dutifully pulled him around. We kept trying to move him on to other toys but as soon as I would pull him out, he would want back in.
My boy now says "Ma ma" but not often. This has been the best thing in the world to me. He says "no," "Da Da," and "uh oh" but finally, FINALLY he says "Ma Ma." Usually it's only when crying but I don't care. He says it!
I read an article last night about how women who have children tend to lose brain cells. They cease being concerned about politics or getting in the latest book by insert favorite author. They stop needing to be updated on the nightly news. Mother's are consumed by thoughts of nutrition and cleanliness. They continually consider whether or not their children are developmentally on track. And, on top of that, worry that they have nothing to contribute to the normal conversations because, let's face it, not everyone wants to talk about your child every second of the day. What the author realized, however, was that even though mothers aren't concerned about the nightly news which will change tomorrow, they are concerned about the future and have the greatest impact upon it through their children. I was buoyed up. I so often feel like I have nothing else to talk about but Justice Justice Justice. I know not everyone else wants to constantly talk about him but I can't help sharing that he's said a new word or is pointing now or has figured out a puzzle. He's the most fulfilling thing in my life and I find that he is my greatest accomplishment. So, today, on his 1st birthday, I will linger a little bit longer than normal on the conversation about him. I will think a little bit deeper about the impact being a mother has made on me. I will consider how much richer and fuller my life is because of him. I will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is my greatest joy and could quite possibly be the cause of my deepest sorrow.
So, today, he turns 1 and as a Mother, I turn 1. His life has changed mine into a deeper place of love and beauty. Thank you my handsome boy.

don't feel bad, Caleb said the dog's name before he said 'mama'. :) Justice is getting so big and more handsome everytime I see pictures of him.
One already! WOW!! He's so beautiful and so are you. Love you.
He is sooooooooo cute!!!! And he has the best parents ever......
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