Today Justice is 4 weeks old! 1 month! We made it baby! I'm not quite sure what that means but it feels good. It feels like we met a milestone. I no longer freak out every time he cries. I get that's what babies do. I've even begun to figure out the difference in his cries - hungry cry, tired cry, gas pain cry. I no longer cry every day because I'm scared I might "lose" him. I only cry every once in a while when I'm past the point of exhausted and closer to comatose (is that how you spell that?).
He had his first trip this past weekend to see my Dad get his Master's Degree! Travel and Justice do not mix well at this point. Hopefully that will change before the middle of June when we take our next trip to Tampa.
And tonight, as I was holding him, I saw him smile! Not a gas release smile that he didn't know he was doing but one because I was talking to him and holding him!
Four weeks and couting!
Hey, that's awesome... Thanks for the updates. Keep 'em coming; we love 'em. Sarah gets all mushy though and keeps talking about having another one every time she sees (in her words) "how cute and squishy" Justice is. :)
love you guys.
Oh, he is TOO sweet! Makes me want a year or so...maybe longer... :) I found with both of mine that when we traveled and they got fussy, if I put my hands on either side of them and my face close to theirs, it was almost like was I was holding them and they calmed down...for a while ;). Can't wait to meet Justice and see you guys!
Girl, he is too cute! It was good to see the two of you last week. He is such a honey!
awesome! your crying spells will come and go as the weeks go by! I still get them every now and then!
make sure you write down everything he does 'new' so that you can look back on it in the future!
have fun and see you soon!
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