Other changes in our lives:
there are now receiving blankets scattered throughout my house - on the crib, on the bassinet, on the car seat, even on the high chair which hasn't even been used yet.
we have now spent a fortune on professional pictures, doctor's visits, clothes for Justice and more crib sheets.
going outside without a car seat or stroller is a a novelty
i now know what a little boy's penis looks like before it's about to go off which helps considerably with changing diapers - now if we could just figure out what to do during bath time
i'm a paranoid mom - we call our family pediatrician - Aunt Bethany - at least twice a week about figment problems. Thanks Bethany for your patience!
So, that's life in the Mikles' household. I'm a little worried about next week when Marty goes back to work and I'm here by myself. I'm sure there will be plenty to keep me busy. The question is whether or not Justice will let me do them because of his growing appetite.
P.S. Mom's day was absolutely fantastic. I have a wonderful husband who showered me with gifts - family portraits and a mother/child necklace which is beautiful. Justice actually slept the entire day except for the times when he was eating and we got to spend it with family. Gotta love days like that!
I'll be there soon! Did you get my card? Love to you and your boys!!
are you gonna bring Justice to see us at orientation??
Cutie Cutie!!!!!
Can't wait to meet Justice and give ya a big hug!
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