For instance, at every meal, Justice has an incredible time. He laughs, he plays, he yells. At least once, during the course of each meal, he simply raises his hand, palm up and says, "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" It's a yell. He hasn't just discovered something. He's simply raising his hand because he can and wants to. There's no inhibition there. He's not worried about what people will think. He's not worried about whether or not people will stare. Actually, he knows they will. He also knows (I think) that they will smile and laugh at him.
The other day I was walking in the small workout room at THQ. I was listening to a pretty great mix of music. All upbeat. All fun. At one point in one of the songs, I wanted to clap my hands and dance. Now, understand, I was the only one in the room. Just outside of that room, however, the mail person has a desk. People pass by those glass doors all the time. So, I restrained. I didn't dance. I didn't clap. I thought about singing along but thought someone might hear me. I WAS ALONE!!! If Justice had been there, he would've danced.
I can really learn a lot from the babbles of my nine month old. Next time, don't look at me funny if perhaps I am daring enough to sing along.