I've been closely monitoring a woman's blog whom I have never met. She has a sick baby boy who is in desperate need of prayer and even more need of healing. I keep envisioning his heart being held by the creator of the universe because that's the part that's sick. I believe God will heal him. I believe God will bring restoration. By entering into this journey with some strange woman that I have never met, however, I have found myself quite emotional. I want to meet her. I want to be her friend. More than that, though, I find myself drawn into prayer more throughout the day for a little boy I have never met than I have ever really been drawn to prayer before. Why is that? Because he's so innocent and young? Because he's got so much life left to live? Because I have a little boy that I couldn't bare to watch go through something like this so my heart aches even more for MckMama? I don't know but I know I've been in prayer for baby Stellan a lot the past week and a half.
At the same time, I find myself overwhelmed by the health of my family, of my son and of my husband. I don't have to walk through the desert for a while to find healing. So, today, I am incredibly grateful to the Lord of all for the gifts he has given me.
Justice turns two this month. I can't believe it. So, since he's not quite two yet, I'm going to list 23 things (one for each month he's been alive) that make up his handsome little self:
1. He loves cho mil (chocolate milk)
2. He thinks airplanes and choo choos are fantastic. In fact, anytime he hears an airplane in the sky he has to stop and look.
3. He loves his granny, pop pop, nonnie and poppa.
4. Lie Fween (Lightning McQueen) is currently his favorite book. A chow (Ka-chow) is a frequent saying.
5. Sometimes he uses a spoon. For the most part, however, he still uses his hands to eat - much to his mother's chagrin, especially when we're having oatmeal or yogurt.
6. He's never quite content unless both Marty and I are with him. If I pick him up from daycare he wants to "see daddy?" If Marty is with him alone, he wants to "see mommy?"
7. In the mornings, he loves to call his daddy to the breakfast table. "Ohm eat Daddy!"
8. He is now 35 inches tall.
9. He loves to play the drums.
10. He has a toy guitar that he calls his "tar" and he carries it around the house so that mommy can play it. Why me? I can't quite figure that one out. I play a mean Three Blind Mice.
11. He hates getting his hair washed. The fights are nasty and usually end with one of us crying.
12. He also hates having his teeth brushed. Not even a Cookie Monster or Elmo toothbrush work.
13. He wants fre fries for every meal. Evidently they go well with cho mil.
14. He gets embarrassed pretty easily.
15. He gets tickled if Marty asks him to tell me I'm pretty. (one of those easily embarrassed moments).
16. He loves it when I draw Daddy playing basketball on the Magna Doodle. He has never seen Marty play basketball.
17. M&M's are his favorite candy.
18. He thinks other kids are fantastic. This past weekend in Orlando, he wanted to hold Baby Cyana and kiss her all the time.
19. He has a monkey to wear as a backpack that also works as a kiddie leash and he loves it! Score!
20. Justice thinks that any "puter" can only get one website - Sesame Street.
21. He can laugh like Ernie.
22. He can spot a balloon a mile away and will not rest until it is in his possession.
23. He's the cutest 23 month old ever. See?

1 comment:
well, if it makes you feel better, I feel the same way about my blog. I can't get over how big and just plain adorable Justice is!! :)
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