Hi Everyone! My friend Jason is going to China next week. Please read what he's written regarding what the Lord has called him to.
China - Touch Their Poverty!
I have been asked to be a part of a human trafficking assessment team to
Mainland China. I will be going with a team of Salvation Army leaders to
various project sites within poor communities in China which are at risk
for human trafficking. My role on the team will be to see the situation
through the eyes of a westerner and give my feedback as to how this problem
may best be communicated to the west. My goal for the trip is to "touch
their poverty." Or rather I want to be touched by their poverty! I want to
feel the discomfort of their living to the point of it breaking my heart.
This is something that The Salvation Army has always been called to do.
Last August I was able to read, "Good Morning China!" a book by Lt. Colonel
Check-Hung Yee which tells the history of The Salvation Army in China. In
an epilogue his daughter says, "As you step back in time and experience
God’s transforming work in this generation of brave soldiers, may your
heart also leap and be fanned to flame with the bond of love for China’'s
1.3 billion souls.’ As I read this book that is exactly what happened. I
found myself with a burning desire to go to China and see the Army at work
I plan on coming back to the States with a renewed vision and passion for
God's calling on my life for the world. I will be leaving next Wednesday
and coming back on April 8th. I would love to ask you all to support me and
the team. Please pray for us even now as we prepare to go. On my return it
is my plan to provide a report of the trip on this blog.
One friend wrote to say the Lord had layed the following verse on his heart
regarding this trip:
'You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills
will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap
their hands. Instead of the thorn-bush will grow a pine tree, and instead
of briers, the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord's renown, for an
everlasting sign which will not be destroyed.'
Isaiah 55:12
I am raising support to cover the cost of this trip. If you feel that you
would like to help support this trip financially or would just like more
information please contact me at Jason_Pope@uss.salvationarmy.org.
1 comment:
This is very interesting site... »
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