So, for Marty's birthday I bought him tickets to go see Jamie Cullum at Chastain Park. I never knew how absolutely cool the venue at Chastain Park is. Before Jamie ever came on stage, I had already vowed that Marty and I would be back - with a picnic next time! It was absolutely fabulous and even though I had already had dinner - I needed some food just to feel like I was getting everything out of the experience! Those chocolate strawberries were the best I have ever had - no kidding. Thank you Whole Foods.
Jamie's opening act was the Gabe Dixon Band. They are really incredible and you would do well to buy his CD. In fact, I would do well to buy his CD.
Then, Jamie Cullum came on stage and for the rest of the night I could not stop singing or smiling or clapping. He is dynamic on stage. He jumps off of his piano, steps on the keys with his foot yet all the time he's making incredible music. He began with "Ordinary Life" which is one of my favorites and then continued to play every single one of the songs I love. My favorite song that he performed was "These are the days." It was like there was magic in the air. You could feel it! I was mesmerized.
I'm not usually into just summarizing my evenings. I do usually have a point but not today. I just wanted to say that I had a great night last night singing and dancing and laughing to Jamie Cullum's rhythm.
If you haven't bought his CDs yet. Do it! You'll love his music, I know it!
Marty, thank you for a beautiful evening. I love spending my life with you.