ELLA GRACE CUNNINGHAM was born! She weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces and is 20 inches long. She's got big feet and little ears and was a little bit stubborn on the way out. I just heard that part through the door.
I got to watch my brother walk into a new role as father and all that that entails. I watched him care for his adorable wife and cheer his daughter into the world. He's accomplished many things in his life but this has to be the pinnacle! How can you get a title more important than Daddy or Mommy? They are going to be fantastic parents. It's surreal to think she's finally here - the beautiful baby all of us have been waiting on and hoping for.
Here are a few pictures from yesterday. The first few are of us impatiently waiting it out in the delivery room. The last are of Ella and her family! Ella baby, we've been waiting on you a long time. Welcome to the world! We're going to have a great time together.

Congratulations Auntie Joy and all of Ella's fans! She's a beauty!
Congratulations - you must be so proud. Have fun watching her grow. She is beautiful.
congrats aunt joy!!!! soo wonderful! i think she looks like your brother! she is fantastic--remember a good aunt always has gum! :) give my best to your family and congrats to the new grandparents! they must be going crazy!
OK Joy... reading this brought a tears to my eyes... I can't believe Matt is a dad.. That is crazy and Ella is Beautiful. I can't wait to meet her , and of course Danielle looks great for just having a baby. Congratulations on being an aunt!~ Love you
wow...just crazy!
send your brother my love Auntie! :-)
Where did you find it? Interesting read » »
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