Friday, July 21, 2006

What Owen Thinks of Us

Evidently, a month or so ago, Dawn and Matt were eating at a Mexican restaurant with Owen, their son, my incredible nephew. Well, there was this painting on the wall. Dawn sent it to Marty letting him know that when Owen saw this painting, he thought of Marty and I. I'm not sure what I think about that but it is quite amusing.

What do you think? Appropriate representation of the two of us?



Dawn Midgette said...

Well, I didn't see it at first, but after having a basket full of chips and two gallons of hot salsa (which is what Owen was on when he made the comment), I saw the resemblance as well. The cape makes the man seem larger than life -- much like Owen's Uncle Monkey.

Actually, it was the guitar that made him think of Marty, and the absolute adoration the woman had for the man that made him think of you. He also tried to place a spoon on the woman's nose, but being that she was two-dimensional, it didn't take.


lol...thats awesome!!!

MDdriven said...

As I am reading this, Owen is next to me, playing with a guitar, and he looked up at me and said, "listen aunt bennany, I play uncle marty music"

Phil said...

that is funny - i know i'm a bit late to the game, but it's still funny