Thursday, November 09, 2006


So, I know, I should really let it go and move on. The pointing, patting, name-calling and everything else will only get worse from here on out. Too bad I want to be treated like the girl named Joy. It's too late. All people see is my belly. That's all people talk about, all people look at and all people want to touch.

So, I've decided, unless someone says something seriously rude or steps way past the line, that this will be my last blog complaining about the idiocy of non-pregnant people. No offense to those of you who aren't pregnant - I'm just mad.

Today, a stupid woman walked passed me who knows I'm prego because she's one of the ones who thought she could pat my belly and said....AND SAID, "You're gaining weight Gurl." She said it like it was the cutest thing anyone could ever say to a pregnant woman.

Duh! Like I don't know that! Like I'm not having a hard time every morning figuring out what to wear because my normal clothes are too small and my maternity ones are too big.

Duh! Like I don't know that I'm gaining weight from the protruding belly that is getting harder and harder to hide. Non-pregnant women don't get why I'd want to hide it, I know. They think it's cute but to me, it just looks like fat.

So, to everyone who thinks it's fun to point out the ever so obvious belly (like I didn't know it was there) and to ANYONE who wants to talk about my weight, go jump off a cliff!! Gaining weight when you're pregnant sucks just like it does when you're not pregnant. At least at this point it does. I'm not really expecting that to change all that much.

And so, while there is still plenty of rage within me, I will choose to focus on the good. Next time someone says something to me that is just stupid, I'll just flick them off or better yet, talk about their weight. Ooooh, that sounds like fun!

Doesn't anyone have suggestions on how to handle the ignorance? Please? Something. And don't tell me it will get better or that the life growing within me is worth it - I know that but it doesn't really help right now.

Letting go of the rage,


Lorelie said...

You could always say to the rude and tactless, "Yea, I sure am gaining weight since I got pregnant. What's your excuse?"

No worries my friend. Even pregnant, you're still skinnier than me.

Can't wait to eat "healthy" with you this weekend and tell you over and over how beautiful you are as a person no matter what you got growing in your body. :-)

Anonymous said...

well a guy i worked with used to joke with me about being fat...and i knew he was kidding but it still got on my nerves..and i used to tease him about being old.well i finally had enough and said..jokingly but seriously..well ben, i'm gonna lose this baby wieght and you're just gonna keep getting older...that stopped for a while until i was at a tile shop and he called them and told them to tell me not to drive over the bridge bc there was a weight limit. he thought he was funny. maybe just say..."i know i have and i actually don't really want to talk about it i mean my dr says i'm at a healthy weight for me and the baby and that is all i really care about you know?" and just leave it at that...or burst into (fake) tears and say "OH MY GOD DO YOU REALLY THINK SO!?!?! I THOUGHT I WAS DOING SOOO WELL..BUT DO YOU THINK I'VE PUT ON TOO MUCH!?!? I MEAN WHAT DO YOU THINK I SHOULD DO!?" or..and hopefully this will be my last suggestion hehe--say "you think so? how much weight did you gain?..what is the normal wieght to gain? my dr says i'm fine.." i wish i could tell you it goes away -but it only gets worse..just find a way to expect the stupidity and then you can be ready for it..easier to keep on keepin' to you! ps i gained 40 lbs and in the last 2 weeks my feet swelled up like macy's balloons! FANtastic! xoxoxo

Dawn Midgette said...

I gained 50 pounds with Owen. In the last couple of weeks, everything about me felt large. My face was swollen, my wedding rings didn't fit, my MATERNITY clothes didn't fit. One day toward the bitter end, a lady at work looked at me and said... "Wow, Dawn, that outfit totally doesn't make you look like a whale today." As if every other day I DID look like a whale. I still feel a little rage when I see her, and that was 3 1/2 years ago. If I could remember which outfit I was wearing that day I'd pass it on to you. :)

Speaking of clothes, has anyone told you about the rubberband trick? You take a small rubberband (or large one, depending on how much room you need) and tie it to the button hole on your pants. Then loop it around your button. Just make sure your shirt covers it. Another thing I read about the transition period between regular and maternity clothes -- look through your husband's wardrobe. I'm not sure that's a good idea for you, though. :)

I have no advice for people who ask how you're feeling. I actually enjoyed that part. I got a little bitter after Owen was born when I suddenly became invisible. People are naturally curious. Women who haven't been pregnant want to know what it's like. Women who have been pregnant want to compare stories and reminisce. It's kind of like when you come back from a vacation. People ask if you had a good time, what you did. If they've been there, they get a little more specific. Unfortunately, they don't all ask at the same time, and you have to tell the same stories over and over. But everyone's curious because it's something just a little out of the ordinary. Something to take their minds off of the day-to-day. It gets frustrating, though, when preganancy IS your day-to-day, and you just want to talk about something - anything - else. So occasionally, turn the tables on someone. Ask them about something unique in their own lives, and take that break for yourself. That's the best I can do.

I'm sending hugs back with Marty.

Anonymous said...

Awwh Joy, some people are fat just because, but, you have a reason... That's the best way to look at it and smile! Even if you are smiling because you are still beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Just use what James Ex-wife said to him once, "Bite me James! Bite me up and down."
That'll give 'em someting to think about.