Monday, November 20, 2006

Random Thoughts

1. I love those parking spaces that are labeled "For New and Expectant Mothers." I take advantage of them every chance I get. I am also considering writing a letter to establishments that do not have any.
2. A guy at church the other day said I was glowing. I really think it's the new Mineral Essence Powder I'm using!
3. I wonder if I'm behind on the whole planning process for baby. People keep asking me if we've picked a nursery theme or colors. Nope. They look so disappointed when I tell them that.
4. Fiber Capsules are a pregnant girl's best friend.
5. Icy Hot may give the Fiber Capsules a run for their money.
6. And while Icy Hot and Fiber may be a pregnant girl's best friend, Tums and Zantac 75 at least deserve great friend status.
7. I wonder if there's a clothing line that makes clothes for the time in between normal belly and "Woa, you must be due this month!" Choosing what to wear each morning has become an adventure to say the least.
8. Marty is my hero. He now lifts the almost heavy things - like the laundry basket and the box I need from the car. He also now gives me a back rub every night if I ask. I never take advantage. Last night he didn't even complain about having to be the one to administer the Icy Hot (usually there's at least a grunt).
9. I can't believe we find out in two days (this Thursday) if we're having a boy or a girl. Woohoo!
10. At the suggestion of my wonderful sister-in-law I've done some of those quizzes you can take online that tell you if you're having a boy or a girl by using Old Wives Tales. One quiz I took said we're 71% likely to have a boy. Another one said we're 61% likely to have a girl. However, the Chinese Lunar Calendar said we will have a boy. I guess we'll find out soon enough!

In the meantime, stretchy clothing rules!

1 comment:

Lorelie said...

Love random thoughts, especially yours! So happy for you.