Monday, July 14, 2008

This Morning

7:15 a.m. - got out of bed
8:10 a.m. - went downstairs for breakfast
8:24 a.m. - pulled out of the parking lot
8:29 a.m. - pulled in to work

God bless the Courtyard Marriott and God bless my husband who thought it was high time we have a night off. We went to eat at our favorite sushi restaurant - Ru Sans. We had a long, beautiful conversation over latte's and a donut at Starbucks. We slept in a king-size bed and we woke up late.

We did all of this without being interupted by a screaming child who has recently become a picky eater or a non-eater - whatever you want to call that. We did all of this without having to pick up a random fork or spoon from the floor. We did all of this without having to order something that he might eat from the children's menu and then have his grubby hand reach for something on our plate. We did all of this without having to worry about changing a diaper or making sure he has milk and tylenol and his antibiotic. And the best part of all - I slept an hour late this morning and got dressed without him pulling on my shirt-tail or skirt crying because he wants to be held.

Please don't misunderstand, I love my son. I don't really think any of you, dear readers, thought I didn't but I think that's reassurance for myself. I love him dearly. I would dig a hold to China for him. I would cross any ocean, climb any mountain. Sometimes, however, absence makes the heart grow fonder and to be quite honest, I could do with another night away. I'm sorry little one but that's the truth. He's been going through a little thing lately called teething. All the parents out there who are reading this just went "Oh" collectively. I could feel it. It was a pity "oh" because they know how gruelling a teething child can be. And when I say he's teething, we're not talking about A tooth coming in. Currently, he's working on five. Yes, five with another one about to break the surface any day now. So, time away was such a blessed thing. I wish we had the money and could afford to do so every month. It's nice to be away - even for just a little while.

In other news, I'm getting LASIK done on Wednesday. Yes, I am voluntarily subjecting myself to surgery for the sake of improved, nay, perfect eyesight. For all of you non-contact, non-glasses, perfect vision people out there, you have no idea how lucky you are. But just to give you a small glimpse - here is what LASIK will mean for me. I will be able to stand at the mirror in the morning and be able to put my makeup on without having to be so close to the mirror that I get mascara on it. I will be able to lay my head on a pillow at night and see the room around me. I will be able to see the alarm clock in the middle of the night without squinting. I will be able to know for sure that this is definitely shampoo I am putting in my hair and not conditioner - since the bottles are exactly the same except for the tiny print distinguishing the two. I will be able to wear sunglasses. I will be able to walk around without having to push glasses up on my nose. I will be able to play with my kid without worrying about him knocking my glasses off my face and breaking them. The list could go on and on but I will stop for now. I am a little concerned about the pain afterwards. My friend at work had the same procedure done last year that I am having done on Wednesday and she said it felt like she had shards of glass in her eyes during the recovery. So, hopefully the doctor's office will be right on that front and it will only feel like I have an eyelash in my eye but I'm not really counting on it.

Anyway, I've got a busy week ahead of me. It's nice to be refreshed on a Monday morning instead of worn out from a weekend of chasing and lifting and fighting and playing with Justice.

I'm excited for the week ahead.


Jill said...

dang. i want lasik. and YES on the teething!!! we're there too....well, starting. but it's rough!

Anonymous said...

good luck with surgery!! i'm also tempted to do that. contacts and glasses are such a hassel and soooo expensive! totally understand about the teething. glad you got a night out. and the picky eating thing is a constant. avery will love something for dinner and refuse it for lunch or another dinner at another time. sheesh!