I'm not sure they've been so sweet lately but dreams I have had.
Here are the ones I can remember, in no particular order.
About a month ago I had a dream that a charter bus pulled up to wherever Marty and I were standing and delivered a kid to us for adoption. I was cool with that. Next thing I know, it wasn't just one kid but three. I hadn't even had my own yet. I remember looking at my mom in the dream and saying, "Four! I can't have four! Not all at once!"
A couple of nights ago I dreamed that I was in the hospital in a large room where they keep a lot of patients (perhaps four or five). I was hooked up to an IV when I noticed that my friend was in a bed across the room from me. We decided to take a walk around the hospital. I noticed that in a few places on her face, her skin was sort of not right. Kind of a different color and hanging off. It was weird but I never asked her what happened. Both of us leave the hospital, we are still in our gowns but we get in a car. Then I notice that her face has healed. Her skin, where it healed is a totally different color than the rest of her face. It was along her jawline and it looked like she had a prosthetic jaw put in. THEN I realized she was holding the old part of her face that had evidently been mauled by a bear! I asked her why her skin on her jaw was a different color. She said it was because they grafted it from her butt!
Last night I had two!
The first: My mom, Lorelie and I were shopping in a pretty cool shopping area. We stopped into a store to get some hot tea and cookies. Well, mom and Lorelie got theirs but when it was time for me to get mine, they were ready to go and unwilling to wait on me. So, I told the saleslady and she said, "oh, don't worry. I'll come with you." So, we travel down the hallway of the shopping center a ways and I sample a Lime cookie with chocolate chips in it. I order that and a cup of pink grapefruit hot tea (strange what you remember in dreams). I go to take the cookie I have already sampled and liked and the girl stops me. I can't have that cookie because it is now a sample. She cuts off the part that I ate and puts it in a baggie. Then she puts a tag, one that you would find on a new pair of pants, through the cookie. She hands me a fresh cookie and my cup of hot tea and we are on our way.
The second: A group of us are headed to a conference or something. We have to perform there. It's almost like I'm a leader in a choir or something and I also have speaking lines. Well, someone says something funny during the meeting and I make a funny laugh and some noise and get in trouble from another leader. Whatever. Then we head to our rooms. Mine is already trashed before I can blink. Littered with my clothes. I notice then that there is a massive costume party happening at the pool. Where a pool came from, I'm not sure. So, a friend knocks on my door and asks if I'm ready to go. Give me a minute. I frantically start looking for my costume. I find a hula skirt and begin to try and tie it around my belly (it, of course, doesn't fit). I'm also carrying around a stuffed crocodile at this point. I've eaten off one of his arms. It was quite tasty. Anyway, I'm looking for my costume (brown swimsuit and hula skirt, I guess) when I notice that on the bed my mother has laid out a crocodile costume for me! Why a crocodile? When did my mom show up? Oh well! I put it on and it wasn't tight across my belly. It was quite comfortable. Thanks mom!
People tell me that all dreams means something - the people in the dream, the items. I'm not sure I think every dream means something but I can almost guess the last two dreams meant I was hungry.
Sweet dreams!
After the dream about biting off the stuffed crocodile's arm, did you check your pillow for teeth marks?
I think remembering dreams is a gift...a little bit of fuzzy fantasy in a very real world. :) Pregnancy dreams are the most vivid...maybe cause you're dreaming for two.
Next time someone reaches out to touch, hand them the Yellow Pages.
Many congrats and wishes of comfy shoes and stretchy pants that don't look like your grandmother's.
Ha! I love pregnancy dreams! Before I got pregnant I rarely remembered my dreams. In the last 4 months of the pregnancy it seemed like I remembered them all! I even went and bought one of those wacky 'What Dreams Mean' books.... you can borrow it if I can find it!
By the way, after dreaming about the crocodile stuff animal and costume, I went in Old Navy and they had them! It's not even Halloween time anymore!
interesting...well, if it was just one of those dreams i would be completely stumped. with all four of them on the table, however, the meaning is exceptionally clear.
your subconscious is telling you to give me twenty dollars.
i don't take checks.
good night! if all dreams meant something, i'd be in SERIOUS trouble!!!!! i can tell you dreams going back to when i was 6 in extensive detail -- colors, people, objects -- everything about them!
Girl, you had me laughing so hard about the crocidile costume! That is too funny...thanks for the laughs.
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