Monday, November 06, 2006

Weeks 17 - 20

So, I'm not quite at 17 weeks but Friday's coming. I was reading a pregnancy site today and found this.

Your Mood
Don't be surprised if you start to experience "pregnancy brain" (aka "fuzzy brain"), which is characterized by the inability to remember simple words and tasks--or why they even matter! The mood swings you had in your first trimester have most likely abated, and you might be feeling excited and energized.

Just so everyone knows that I can at least laugh at myself - "pregnancy brain" has set in.

Yesterday I went to CVS to get some medicine. I paid for it and headed to church. After church, we all headed to my parents' house for lunch. I change and head to the restroom. On my way I ask Marty to go get my medicine out of the car. He goes, comes back and asks me what type of medicine it was. I tell him and then say, "It would've been in a CVS bag."

He says, "There's no CVS bag in there. Did you leave it at church?"

Then it hits me. No, I didn't leave the stupid stuff at church. I NEVER EVEN LEFT THE STORE WITH IT!!!

Welcome to my life.


Anonymous said...

Um, I'm pretty sure that I still have 'pregnancy brain' and I gave birth 20 months ago....!!!

Anonymous said...

i was gonna type the same thing as emma jayne......bad news is it doesn't seem to go away...those little babies take some of our brain cells with them as they leave us.... i can't tell you how many times i say within a conversation..."what was i JUST talking about geez!!" or walk around the house and say "what was i just gonna do?" can't wait to read your blogs when you start to pee when you sneeze or laugh...good times...

Lorelie said...

i think my husband had 'pregnancy brain' the other day. very strange.

Anonymous said...

Joy Marie!

Do you mean to tell me that you are pregnant? And you didn't tell me?

I have been waiting for the day when I got e-mail with the joyful news. I mean really...I let you fan my arm pits when I was in my wedding regalia. The least you could do is tell me you're pregnant!

So fill me in. Give me details. I still love you even though you neglected to tell me about this!


Julee (

Lesley said...

thanks for the comment but...DUH. that was kind of the point of the comment. "we won't name the diseases, we'll just celebrate the place where people go to die."