How did that happen? How did we get to seven weeks and I thought we were at eight? I'm not sure but eight I could handle. That was 2 months. I still had 2 months. Seven weeks is less than two months - it's one month and three weeks or, to be exact, 53 days from today!
Excitement has started to set in. The things I had been postponing until, you know, right before the baby comes I should be doing. Freezing meals, seriously cleaning the house, washing baby clothes. I don't know. What else do you do right before a baby comes? Oh yeah, hang doors, paint walls and listen to your husband smack his thumb with a hammer. (Just kidding - he's pretty good with tools.)
The past couple of months have been crazy. Got to paint pottery with best friend Laly. Below are some pictures. Bought a new car - Nissan Pathfinder to be exact. Marty's like a kid in a candy store. Went to breastfeeding school. Who knew you had to be taught how to feed your kid?
Now I'm looking forward to the showers my lovely family and friends are throwing all over the place. I get to go paint pottery this Sunday with Laura and Kelly to celebrate Laura's birthday. I think I'm addicted. So, that's life in a nutshell. I'm just seriously hoping now that all the stuff for work gets done before baby comes.
Here's to the next 53 days!
Marty's tweed jacket is the coolest! It's gorgeous!! Have a great time at your upcoming showers and know that "mom mode" will set in...I love reading your blog and love you lotsies!
dude, in that first picture you totally don't look pregnant at all.
Thanks, girl! Yes, I am singing with the opera and love it. Life is showing tiny glimpses of making sense lately. You have a baby soon, right? WOW. I can't believe it. How are you holding up? We miss you dearly and are so excited for you. Xoxo, anna
thanks for introducing me to painting pottery. thanks for being a good friend.
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