Friday, March 30, 2007

Only Three Weeks To Go

With three weeks left before Justice arrives (you know, more or less) I'm still amazed at the things that have and are still happening to me and to him. I'm amazed at the movement I feel from him almost constantly now. Sometimes I wish he would quit but other times I just enjoy watching the rise and fall of my abdomen knowing it's not me making that happen. I'm amazed that just recently he started having the hiccups and now it's a daily occurance - one I'm not all that fond of but still amazed by. I can't figure out why or how he gets them. I'm amazed by the fact that I can still tie my shoes and shave my legs although not without some struggle. I'm amazed that ,so far, I'm stretch mark free. I'm amazed that I can continue to funtion on little to no sleep because the trips to the bathroom at night now come in at an average of four a night. I'm amazed that I have not had any cravings throughout this entire pregnancy. Foods that I absolutely didn't want have been bountiful - foods that I absolutely had to have or else I would die have been non-existant. I'm amazed that as hard as we've worked to make the house ready for Justice, we're still not through. I'm amazed that Lilly knows something's up and won't leave my side of the bed at night. I'm amazed at how prepared we seem to be - car seat in the car, crib put together, changing table put together - and at the same time, how unprepared we seem to be - things needing to be washed and sterilized, items put away, bassinet put in place.

Last but not least, what I can't seem to fathom, imagine or wrap my head around is how different our lives will be once he comes. All of our priorities will shift and life as we now know it will be different. I wonder if how I relate to friends will be different. I find myself afraid that I'll bore them with stories of spit up and diaper changes or that I won't get as much time with them as I do now. I guess this is part of life - or some people's lives. People keep asking me if I'm ready. Ready to stop carrying him around on the inside? Yes. Ready to meet him and see what he looks like? Yes. Ready with all of the things he will need? I hope so. Ready for the emotional changes headed my way? I don't know how you prepare for that. Ready for the responsibility? I'm not sure. It's all so crazy.

I guess I've gone to rambling now and for that I'm sorry. Just a lot on my mind that I seem to say every day but yet can't shake.

Marty's out of town this weekend so the prayer for now is that Justice won't decide to make his appearance until Marty's back in town.

Here's hoping that at least a little more of the physical preparations happen this weekend.



Phil said...

it's gonna be so cool, Joy, you have no idea. :)

Anonymous said...

all will be wonderful! and i am always up for a good poop or spit up story whether it's yours or the little ones! HAHA~ excited for you and can't wait to hear of his arrival~ it IS crazy how they press up your belly. everyone told me you'll see little feet and elbows push up...but i could never picture it....and then there she was stretchin out. letting me know she was getting tired of being cooped up and that she'd be here soon!!!!!!!! so exciting!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how close you are! The hiccups don't stop. Lillian gets then 4-5 times a day. Life does change and it overwhelmed me at first, but it is so worth it! We'll be praying for you and Marty and little Justice!

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading your posts, reminds me of when I was getting ready for both of mine. Your pregnancy concerns will be replaced by "can I leave him lying on the bed for two seconds so I can get some socks out of the drawer" and then will melt away to "oh, he fell again, he'll be ok". At least, that's what I was told. I still hold my breath a little when Caleb or Emily fall until I see them hop back up and get running again. As for getting everything done, it probably won't happen and THAT'S OK. There's always going to be something that doesn't get done, but life moves on. Keeping you and Marty in my thoughts and prayers.

Dawn Midgette said...

Someone forgot to tell you this very important unwritten rule of pregnancy: ALWAYS claim a craving. Even if it's not real, claim it. Ice cream, chocolate, mexican food, chicken mcnuggets, whatever. Yesterday I "craved" an entire bag of robin's egg Whoppers. Here's the beauty of "cravings": even if I mention that I'm craving water, Matt's 10 times more likely to get me a glass than if I just say I'm thirsty. See? Always claim a craving.