It all started early Monday morning around 3 am. You know, I've heard of women being scheduled to be induced but then go into labor on their own the night before but I just thought it was a fluke - not to happen to me. However, it did. By the time we got to the hospital for our 9 am appointment to be induced I was already dilated 5 cm. That was my biggest hope for pregnancy - to have everything start naturally and progress that way - you know as natural as things can occur with an epidural. By 5 cm I was in a whole heck of a lot of paint and was ready for the drugs. Call me a wimp, call me what you will but I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
So, once the epidural kicked in, I couldn't even tell when I was having contractions - yay! We hung out until about 3:45 when the nurse had me start pushing and out came Justice at 5:04.
For the first couple of days after he was born and we were still in the hospital, the knowledge that we had a baby was sort of surreal. Even holding him felt like maybe he was on loan or something. Then they let us bring him home! What?!? We've had some rocky days, crazy nights and not a whole lot of sleep. Would I do it again? For a chance to hold Justice? Absolutely! For the opportunity to love someone so much? There's not even a question about it. He's the most incredible little human being I've ever met and I can't wait to see what God's got in store for him and us.
So, just in case you missed some of the pictures on Marty's blog - here are a few more.
Motherhood is fantastic!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! CONGRATULATIONS! what a beautiful family you are and he is soooooooo sweet! couldn't be happier for you both! BIG SMILES AND HUGS AND KISSES!
Congratulations, Joy! Justice is beautiful!
Congratulations!!! Wow - you went through almost the exact same thing as me! I was due to be induced (on my due date). Went into labor at 3am the morning before (no kidding). Got my epidural around 5cm! It seems the only difference may be that Tristan came at 2:37pm - a couple of hours earlier than Justice! Awesome!
No one can ever tell you how amazing motherhood truly is until you experience it for yourself. I am so glad that you got to do that! Isn't it fantastic?! And believe me - it only gets better and better!
Oh - and for about the first 6 months or so I was totally feeling like I could have another baby immediately (well not really but YOU know what I mean) - as soon as they start walking you won't be QUITE as eager!!
PLEASE call me if you need ANYTHING! We should get together - go out or you should come over as soon as you are up to it! And don't forget about dinner too!
Talk soon!
Emma =)
he is so perfect!
Wow- he is awesome- congratulations!!!!! I can't wait to meet him! Love you guys-
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