We took Justice to the doctor last week for his 15 month check up a month late. That's right, he had his 15 month check up AFTER he turned 16 months old. We're not bad parents, the doctor cancelled his 15 month appointment we had scheduled on the day Justice turned 15 months old because HE (the doctor) was sick. So, in we go, dreading the visit but excited at the same time.
You see, we, like so many parents, believe our child is advanced. I think he knows more words than other children his age. I believe his motor skills, gross and fine, are much more highly developed than other children's. He is our prodigy child even if he is normal. We were excited to show him off to the people who could really be impressed. When the nurse asked if Justice knew his body parts, Marty asked Justice if he could show us his eyes. At that point Justice pointed to his nose. When the nurse asked if Justice was walking, Marty corrected her by saying Justice was running. When the nurse asked if Justice was eating table food, Marty made sure she knew he ate a packet of oatmeal every morning for breakfast. (Some of that might be an exaggeration but not much). I too, am proud of my son and his physical and verbal accomplishments. While I didn't try and get Justice to perform I realized it would have been futile. Justice has a certain finesse with which he accomplishes his tasks that other children lack and I know that a doctor or nurse definitely couldn't pick that up in the 30 seconds they spent in the room.
We were also excited to find out his stats. He is now 26 lbs 14 oz and 34 1/2 inches tall. He's as tall as a 2 year old. He is his daddy's child.
On the other hand, we knew there were shots coming and what that does to Justice. I hate watching my kid scream his head off because someone is poking his with a needle. What I wasn't anticipating was that Justice remembered this place. He knew that we were in the place where they poked him last time and he did not like it. He remembered and thought he'd let us know by screaming the entire time a doctor or nurse was in the room. Yep. That was fun. He did, however, find those fun red, white and green buttons to push which kept him occupied for the better part of an hour.
He's getting too big too fast. I say that all the time but it grieves my heart.
He spent the past two days in Thomasville with my mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law and niece. He had a blast riding Ella's tricycle and sliding down the slide into their kiddie pool. He ate at Ella's Dora the Explorer table in a big kid's chair last night. He had his first trip to Chuck E Cheese while there and I am not at all disappointed in the fact that he went without me.
I hope that trip will make up for the dr.'s visit.
1 comment:
16 months...amazing! Love you all.
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