Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I come to work and I read blog's by people like Stephen Court and Captain Gordon and Jamie Smith and others and I'm set on fire. More, more, more, my heart craves more, more, more like the Holy Spirit is a drug and I can't get enough. What's sad however, is that I put him off. I put him off for TV and sleep - for food and relaxation. What am I doing with my life? I'm wasting it away on things that don't matter. I'm blaming my dissatisfaction in my current situation on the fact that I don't have enough time (which I really don't have a whole lot of it but I have enough to make sure I spend it with the Lord) when perhaps the entire problem lies in my lack of motivation. He's been calling to you for a really long time Joy - get out of bed, spend time with Him. It's time you do it. Seriously and longlingly. With love and desire. You need Him more than you need sleep. You need Him more than you need food. What are you waiting for? Get on the ball. Become a part of the game and begin the sanctification process. Quit wishing for it and hoping it will land in your lap. Quit thinking it's the next devotional book away. Get a clue. He lives in you and He wants to share His knowledge with you. Let him be a part of your life, an ever-increasing part of your life.

What are you going to do tomorrow morning when the alarm clock goes off - early because you have to make time for Him? Hit the snooze button or make room in your life for Jesus? Lord, please keep giving me a hunger for you that won't go away so that if I don't obey you it hurts.

just me

1 comment:

sarah jewett clarke said...

good reminder to want the hunger. it's associated with negative emotions sometimes....but its absence makes a louder statement than many times i'm willing to admit.
