Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmastime Is Here

So, it turns out we've been celebrating Christmas since the day after Thanksgiving. Proven by the picture of Jake and Justice in their Santa suits - taken the day after Thanksgiving.

This season, I'm really trying to take everything in. Making sure I notice the lights and sounds. Christmas carols aren't even bothering me this year. We put up the tree and lights at home the week after Thanksgiving and even have wrapped presents under there as I'm writing this. We're finished shopping and it feels good.

Justice started crawling about a week and a half ago. Now, when I say he started crawling, I should clarify. He has been pushing backwards on his hands and knees for quite some time now - about 2 months. He was doing really well with it too - except that he kept getting farther and farther away from his target. So, on the seventh, he started actually putting more than one knee forward in a row. Now, he's got this thing down pat. It's kind of scary actually. I'm learning just how dangerous my house is for a 7 month old. Last night, he got pretty stinkin' close to the fan in our room. Do they have child safety things for fans? I guess it's called the off switch.

On top of everything else, he thinks everything is hilarious! I took him to the grocery store and sat him in the front of the buggy. The entire time he simply dangled his legs and giggled at the oatmeal boxes and bread and other items that line the aisles. He also tends to think the car door is funny and Lilly our dog.

I hope that your Christmas season is as enjoyable as mine has been. Having Justice around makes everything more fun - except perhaps when he wakes up at 3 am just because. Perhaps he's teething again.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Picture Pages, Picture Pages

It has been a while since I've posted pictures of Justice. So, here we go.

I may just be a proud mom but seriously, isn't he INCREDIBLY adorable? I hate to brag but Target did ask to use one of his pictures for their display. We didn't get much for the shot except bragging rights.

Here's to 6 months of complete and utter amazement and to the next 6 of taking it all in and never EVER getting enough of the baby boy.


Monday, October 01, 2007

There were 10 in the bed

and the little one said
"Roll Over, Roll Over"

And since Justice is no longer the little one (according to the charts at the dr.'s office)- he complied and rolled right over from his back to his stomache and has been rolling over ever since.

He is also cutting two teeth which is SOOO MUCH FUN for mommy and daddy. My happy, smiley, fun baby has now become cranky and just plain mad for most of the day. Pretty difficult to deal with. We've pretty much hooked up an IV full of Tylenol to him to keep him from being in pain.

He now loves his feet - can't get enough of them. He likes to pull his socks off and he'll also curl up in a ball just to get that big toe in his mouth - quite amusing.

I believe we are in trouble as well. His Granny gave him some water through a straw which he took to with some delight. That, of course, was not the problem. The problem is MY FATHER who got so excited when he heard that Justice can drink out of a straw. Why, you ask. Because now he can give Justice SWEET tea through a straw!! I keep protesting but my dad just looks at me with that smug look on his face and smiles and nods his head. He doesn't care what I want - Justice WILL be served sweet tea! Thankfully, he's leaving for Greece and Turkey today and won't be home for three weeks - so I'm safe for a little while longer.

I have been abandoned by my family this week. Every single one of them has left town. Marty's in TX, mom's going to officers councils, dad's off to Greece, Marty's mom and dad are up to Norfolk to see the other kids and grandkids. So, it's just Justice and me this week. Woohoo! It would figure though that on the very night that we're spending our first night at home by ourselves, Justice would get a fever. Then, the next morning, I would fall down the stairs on the front porch while carrying him. Thankfull I'm the only one who got a few scrapes here and there. I was quite scared however. Only 3 sleeps until they all return.

Here's to days flying by and nights when Justice only wakes up twice. Please Lord, make it so.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

When I Grow Up

There are just some things that no one says as a kid.

For example, I never EVER said,

"When I grow up I want to scoop poop out of a diaper."

And yet, this morning, that's exactly what I did.

I suppose there are a few ways in which having a dog gets you ready for kids. Cleaning up doggy diarrhea (believe it or not) was so much worse than what happened this morning.

Ah, the lengths to which we'll go to raise healthy kids.

Here's to tomorrow morning and more, yep, you guessed it

Poop Scooping,

Friday, September 14, 2007

Reset Button

Justice has been sick this past week. We ended up taking him to the immediate care place on Saturday with a return trip on Sunday. Someone should have warned me as to what they would do to him once we got there! I was not prepared.

His temp got up to 102 on Saturday evening around 5 pm. I'm guessing it's true what other parents say about how kids tend to get sick when regular doctor's offices are closed. So, going on Aunt Dr. Bethany's advice we took him to Children's Healthcare's satellite center. We get in to see the doctor and he recommends doing several "procedures" to make sure that he doesn't have a bacterial infection. Turns out they need to catheterize him, take a chest x-ray, draw blood and do a heel prick!!!

I was fine through the catheterization. My baby screamed and I shed a few tears because he was breaking my heart. I held him still during the chest x-ray as he screamed. BUT THEN!! Oh and then...a weirdo guy who was slow talking and didn't look at all like he should be allowed to take blood from my baby came in with his acutraments and proceeded to tell us what he was going to do. He mentioned finding a vein and I was out of there. I, personally, don't have a problem with needles. I am, in fact, a little mesmerized by them. On this day, however, the pain that was about to be inflicted upon my 4 month old son was more than I could bare. I simply turned to Marty and said I'm leaving. I took a trip to the restroom and then stood just outside of the restroom which was four or five doors down from the room where the torture was taking place. From there I could hear Justice scream and scream and scream and I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. After that, I returned to the quick, sad breaths of a little boy who had just been put through the ringer and was tired. So, he fell sound asleep. Then, oh and then, the nurse comes to administer the shot of antibiotics. Oh good, I now get to wake up my infant to the pain of yet another needle. Saturday night was not a good night.

Saturday night was followed by several days of runny nose, the inability to breathe, and sleepless nights. Cleaning out his nose is nowhere near as fun as oh say, a poke in the eye but much more necessary. I do have to admit that I would be quite proud of myself if a great green glob was produced. That's how I knew I was successful. I am amused at the strangest things sometimes.

Baby J is doing so much better now. No more runny nose, no more fever, no more trips to the doctor for mean shots. Two nights ago, however, I did find myself searching for his reset button. You know, the one that would make him like the baby we had before the sickness. You see, throughout the ordeal my mother's heart and sense said, hold him, squeeze him, ROCK HIM TO SLEEP. And so I did. Prior to this incident however, we were laying him in his crib and after a small amount of cries and a small fight, Justice would fall asleep to his mommy's humming and gentle caress on the cheek. Now Justice knows he could quite possibly get someone to hold him if he'll just scream his bloody head off for an hour and a half!!! He knows the pleasure of being rocked and even nursed to sleep and he is not doing well with the withdrawal. Two nights ago, there was multiple tactics used to encourage sleep; bouncing of the mattress, rocking the baby, humming, singing, whispering in his ear. All to no avail. I finally picked him up and had him fall asleep. Last night, more of the same ensued but with sheer determination to see him return to the baby before. So, the fight became less and he actually slept until 3:30 a.m.

I am still in favor of a reset button though. One that would reset his time clock. Make him take naps at the right times and for the right length of time. Give him the desire to go to sleep at the right time. I have a feeling this won't be the only time I have a wish for such a thing. So goes parenthood.

Here's to long naps and stretches of night-time between feedings.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

My Boy

Two weeks ago we dedicated Justice while at Bible Conference. It was a great ceremony. We had everyone in our immediate family do something. My mom welcomed guests and lead a song, Aunt Bethany and Aunt Dawn read a letter each that Marty and I had written to Justice. "Uncle" Bernie sang a song that Marty and I had written which I think was pretty good if I do say so myself. Then both our dads performed the ceremony. We even got Uncle Matt (Dawn's husband who thinks The Salvation Army might be a cult) held a flag during the service. It was, however, the American flag. My mom had three words out of her mouth before she started to cry and the snot fest began. It really was a wonderful day.

We had a reception afterwards with a train cake! Totally cool was to celebrate. So many of our friends came and many drove around 6 hours that day just to be there. Really incredible. Here are a few pics from the blessed event.

We got home from Bible Conference and took Justice to the doctor. It was time for his 4 month well check. Turns out my boy's quite big for his age. I kind of imagine the scene that happened in the doctor's office like a boxing match:

The announcer says: "And in this corner, weighing in at 17 lbs 11 oz and 29" tall we have Justice Andrew Mikles who is the height of an 8 month old and the weight of a six month old."

I knew he was tall. I knew he weighed a lot. I knew it had to happen but I didn't expect it to be so drastic. When the doctor said to me, "So, I guess he's in 6 - 9 month clothes." I almost fell out of my chair. "Why no doctor. I've been putting 3 - 6 month clothes on him because that's how old he is." It didn't dawn on me that perhaps I should move up a size in clothes even though the ones he was wearing were getting a little bit snug. It didn't dawn on me that perhaps Justice might be a little bit more comfortable if I'd stop cramming him into those adorable overalls that cause red marks on his legs.

So, this weekend Mom and I went shopping for some 6 - 9 months clothes that Justice could wear now. He has plenty of long-sleeved items that are that size. Like any good mom, I bought those while they were on sale at the outlets. Duh! It didn't occur to me, however, that he might need a few short sleeve shirts in that size because he would need them while it was still warm outside.

We're in Target picking up various items and it occurs to me to check the weight and height on the labels to make sure that 6 - 9 month clothing was appropriate. Hmmmm....the 6 - 9 month clothing tops out at 28". So, if he grows another 1/2 an inch he's out of those as well. Yikes! I spent that day buying my 4 month old 12m clothing. Say what?!? I'm not okay with this by the way. Yes, he has some new adorable clothes but I'm not ready for this! Oh well.

Here's to...what is it everyone keeps telling me? oh yes....



Thursday, August 09, 2007

Just Pics

These are some pictures from this summer. They're from the end of June and Justice has changed a bunch since then. I'll have to post another just pictures blog once I can get all of the newer ones on my computer.


Monday, July 02, 2007

7,8,9 10, 11 and 12 weeks

This post was originally written over two weeks ago but now that I'm back at work, I can't get on to blogger. So, finding time to get on the internet after work with Justice around has proven difficult. On top of that, for some reason my computer won't connect to the internet at my parent's house where Justice and I have been staying for the month of July while Marty's been travelling. So, I'm just going to post this post without pictures since they're on my computer. Sorry for the disappointment. When I can figure it all out, I'll post just pictures. That's probably all you people want anyway.

So, in week 7 my boy rolled from his stomache to his back all by himself. I've always known that he was advanced. It was confirmed on that day though. Perhaps he's just extra strong. All I know is, I couldn't believe it. Marty told me he did it (of course he showed off for his daddy first) and I thought it was probably a fluke but the very next day he rolled over again! Ever since he just rolls right over when he chooses. Go figure.

During week 8 we all took a visit to Tampa to see Marty's grandfather get married. What a trip! We took Justice to the zoo for the first time. He doesn't like the heat so we wet him with water from stingray bay. Really really disgusting but you'll do just about anything when you have a fussy baby who's overheating. Then he took a nap while we watched the manatees. The big uproar came when one of the bigger fish (manatee or turtle) took a poop and the others ate it. I know, gross but that really was the most fascinating part of the day it seemed - or maybe the most interesting.

Then, in week 9 we went to Myrtle Beach with my ENTIRE family and when I say entire I mean ENTIRE. We were in two condominiums with 20 something people which is always a bit of fun mixed in with a lot of noise, confusion and food. I think I had dessert with every meal last week, if not two and most days Breakfast was some sort of dessert (thank you Krispy Kreme, Pop Tarts and Oatmeal Cake). We took trips to the beach and to the pool. I must admit that Justice does not like the water yet but he looked really cute in his swim diaper, shirt and hat. Gotta love it. We were able to hang out with Matt, Danielle and Ella which is always quite fun, if not a little dangerous. We also spent quite a good bit of time with Leslie, Nick, Whit, Ray, Lindsey, J and Z. We had a pool party one night and a birthday party. If anyone knows how to party, we do. We even exploded Diet Cokes on the pool deck with Mentos. Totally works, you should try it. We spent a day at the outlets. Buying baby clothes is so much fun! Almost more fun than buying clothes for me. Justice is now ready for next spring and summer as long as he doesn't outgrow them before we get there. I wish vacation could last all year long.

Justice has now been going to his sitters, the lovely Emma, for three weeks. Leaving him really wasn't horrible. I cried for a few days leading up to it (just a little each day) and then a little when I left him. I did enjoy being back around adults for the majority of my day and the challenge of work was nice although I could use a little less time there and more time with my boy. Oh well!

This past weekend Marty and I actually had a date - alone - without Justice. We went to dinner and a movie. It was really nice being able to leave Justice with his Granny and Pop Pop (Marty mom and dad) and simply hang out together.

So, now we're gearing up for TMI and TYI which I'm a little worried about taking care of Justice while making sure I get all my stuff done. Should be alright though. If anyone has any tips on how to make it all work out, I'm open to suggestions.

Here's to growing up slow,

P.S. Sally, the website for the necklace I had that you liked is

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Commissioning Catastrophe

Okay, so maybe it wasn't quite a catastrophe but by the way I was acting, you would've thought it was.

The Saturday of Commissioning Justice chose not to eat from 3 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Yes, I was scared to death BECAUSE not only had he not eaten but he was so lethargic - just laying still not moving really. He hadn't slept either and he was pooping a lot and not peeing. So, I was scared. We probably should've taken him to the E.R. but once he ate I felt better, took him home so that he could sleep and the next day all was well!

Connie and Andy - thanks so much for the formula and the advice, as well as the consulation. Sue - thanks to you too! I really needed a few moms to help me realize that he wasn't actually going to die and that he would be okay. I guess it's weird that when anything goes wrong I think he's going to die but I do. Go figure!

To all of you who saw me bawling my eyes out and were worried, I'm sorry for causing worry. Everything's fine, I promise. I'll try not to make such a big scene next time around!

Today Justice is 7 weeks old! I didn't have a chance to post a six weeks picture so, that's first and then the seven weeks. It's amazing how much he's grown in just a little time. I laid him down in his bassinet last week and I had to take a double take because his head was at the top and his feet were pushing against the bottom. I thought, when did that happen? So, that's his seven week picture. I'm sad because he'll have to start sleeping in his crib probably next week and I'm not sure I'm ready for him to be all the way in another room. Of course, it is only about five steps but it's too soon! I watched other kids this weekend and was filled with bittersweet emotions. I can't wait for him to grow up and do those fantastic things that children do but at the same time I just want him to stay the same - all cuddly and cozy.



He's a happy baby now. He smiles all the time and even laughs every once in a while. He's got a fire truck that hangs above his changing table and almost every time I change his diaper he has a conversation with that thing. He loves it!

He coos back all the time and he's awake more of the day. I'm not quite sure what to do with him now that he's awake so much of the time. I could get so much more done during the day when he slept. Yikes! I guess I'll have to learn.

Have a great week. Next week he's 2 months! I can't believe it. We're heading to Tampa this weekend. Hopefully this time around the travel won't be so rough. We'll see.

To enjoying this week and taking it all in.


Friday, June 08, 2007

As Promised!

Here are the pics of the house I mentioned last week. Not only have I included one of the outside work we had done last week but of the inside renovations we've made too. Just a note - most of the inside pictures were taken from the same angle. Just want you to see how much work was done. The only one not at the same angle is the one of the brown paint.

Justice updates soon - he's starting to coo! Thought I'd give those of you tired of Justice updates a break.

To a Brand New House that was built a long time ago!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

5 weeks!

So, this week has been busy but fun. Monday we had a cookout at Mom and Dad's which was so much fun. Ella dipped her feet in the kiddie pool and then did a pole dance.

Be Fri Laly was here for part of the week. She took care of Justice and me - did the laundry, kept me company, listened to me talk about what it's like to be a mommy incessantly, held baby boy, and even volunteered to clean poopie diapers! She's the most fantastic be fri ever!

And on top of everything else, we had the house reroofed and painted. Now, everything in the house and outside the house is new! We just have to lay new floor in a bathroom and cement stain the floor in the laundry room and it's a brand new house! I'll have to publish pictures of this later but trust me, the red shutters and door are awesome!

On top of everything else, Justice has begun to establish really great eating habits. In fact, last night he ate at 8 and 12 and then at 5! Lucky me! Being a parent is at least getting easier.

Monday, May 21, 2007

4 weeks old

Today Justice is 4 weeks old! 1 month! We made it baby! I'm not quite sure what that means but it feels good. It feels like we met a milestone. I no longer freak out every time he cries. I get that's what babies do. I've even begun to figure out the difference in his cries - hungry cry, tired cry, gas pain cry. I no longer cry every day because I'm scared I might "lose" him. I only cry every once in a while when I'm past the point of exhausted and closer to comatose (is that how you spell that?).

He had his first trip this past weekend to see my Dad get his Master's Degree! Travel and Justice do not mix well at this point. Hopefully that will change before the middle of June when we take our next trip to Tampa.

And tonight, as I was holding him, I saw him smile! Not a gas release smile that he didn't know he was doing but one because I was talking to him and holding him!

Four weeks and couting!

Monday, May 14, 2007

3 weeks

Justice is three weeks old today! He is now eating every hour to two hours. I didn't understand what that meant until I realized that it sometimes takes 45 minutes to feed him. Doing anything else right now is quite difficult. However, today I discovered the joys of the swing. Justice just sits and swings and his little heart is content.

Other changes in our lives:

there are now receiving blankets scattered throughout my house - on the crib, on the bassinet, on the car seat, even on the high chair which hasn't even been used yet.

we have now spent a fortune on professional pictures, doctor's visits, clothes for Justice and more crib sheets.

going outside without a car seat or stroller is a a novelty

i now know what a little boy's penis looks like before it's about to go off which helps considerably with changing diapers - now if we could just figure out what to do during bath time

i'm a paranoid mom - we call our family pediatrician - Aunt Bethany - at least twice a week about figment problems. Thanks Bethany for your patience!

So, that's life in the Mikles' household. I'm a little worried about next week when Marty goes back to work and I'm here by myself. I'm sure there will be plenty to keep me busy. The question is whether or not Justice will let me do them because of his growing appetite.

P.S. Mom's day was absolutely fantastic. I have a wonderful husband who showered me with gifts - family portraits and a mother/child necklace which is beautiful. Justice actually slept the entire day except for the times when he was eating and we got to spend it with family. Gotta love days like that!

Monday, April 30, 2007


This afternoon, Mom and I were giving Justice a bath and as soon as we got finished and halfway wrapped him up in a towel, he peed. All over me, my mom and the ottoman that goes with my glider rocker. Thank goodness for Resolve's new Multi Fabric Cleaner.

Honestly, I didn't mind all that much. I just kept thinking of Drew Barrymore's character in "Riding in Cars with Boyse." You know the scene - she's hopping across the room with a pee drenched t-shirt on and a toothbrush with toothpaste all over screaming, "He pee in my mouth!"

It could've been worse.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Welcome to the World!

So, most of you have probably already read Marty's blog - complete with pictures of our beautiful son but I just couldn't let this event pass without at least writing something about the most incredible moment of my life.

It all started early Monday morning around 3 am. You know, I've heard of women being scheduled to be induced but then go into labor on their own the night before but I just thought it was a fluke - not to happen to me. However, it did. By the time we got to the hospital for our 9 am appointment to be induced I was already dilated 5 cm. That was my biggest hope for pregnancy - to have everything start naturally and progress that way - you know as natural as things can occur with an epidural. By 5 cm I was in a whole heck of a lot of paint and was ready for the drugs. Call me a wimp, call me what you will but I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

So, once the epidural kicked in, I couldn't even tell when I was having contractions - yay! We hung out until about 3:45 when the nurse had me start pushing and out came Justice at 5:04.

For the first couple of days after he was born and we were still in the hospital, the knowledge that we had a baby was sort of surreal. Even holding him felt like maybe he was on loan or something. Then they let us bring him home! What?!? We've had some rocky days, crazy nights and not a whole lot of sleep. Would I do it again? For a chance to hold Justice? Absolutely! For the opportunity to love someone so much? There's not even a question about it. He's the most incredible little human being I've ever met and I can't wait to see what God's got in store for him and us.

So, just in case you missed some of the pictures on Marty's blog - here are a few more.

Motherhood is fantastic!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Coming Soon to a Household Near You!

So, it turns out that if Justice doesn't show up before Monday, Marty and I will head to the hospital and I'll be induced on the 23rd! I'm not really excited about being induced, in fact, I truly am praying that he'll come on his own before then. However, I'm not willing to wait any longer than that. I know, some people would say I'm crazy for willingly being induced and perhaps I am but I know plenty of women who have been induced and have come out on the other side just fine!

You know what's nice about all of this? Today is my last day of work for 3 WHOLE MONTHS!! I leave my office today and I don't have to come back until mid-July!!! I can't tell you how exciting that is for me.

You know what else is exciting about today being my last day of work? After today, I will no longer have to walk down the hall and have EVERY single person stop me and ask a question that deserves a stupid sign. Here are some examples: "You still here?" No, I'm a figment of your imagination. "You still haven't had that baby yet?" Actually, I have. I did that over my lunch break. The doctors say the stomache swelling will go down in three to four hours. "You still hanging on?" Hanging on? Hanging on to what? "You ready to have that baby?" What gave it away? My waddling? My constant trips to the bathroom? The bags under my eyes (which I understand will just get worse when baby comes) from lack of sleep? Kelly said to me a few weeks ago that it's just people trying to be nice. I know. I do. That's what's kept me from screaming when it just becomes too much. But I'm ready to not be the person EVERYONE, even the people I don't know, feels compelled to say something to. It's hard to have the same conversation every day, about 10 times as you walk down the hallway, for weeks on end without becoming bored from the repetition. What I do appreciate are the people who ask the questions that aren't among the constant. For example, I had someone ask me the other day how I was sleeping at night. Now that's a thought out question from someone who knows. Someone else asked if the nursery was ready. Different - not completely creative - but different!

So, needless to say, I'm excited about the fact that today's my last day of work. I'm also excited that by Monday, if not before, I'll have a baby who is a direct reflection of Marty and I to hold in my arms and that thought alone is worth all of the stupid questions.

What do you have to look forward to in the coming months? Stories about spit up, feedings, firsts (smiles, laughs, stinky poos), all the baby talk you might not have ever wanted to know or read. If it all just gets too boring, I would tell you to let me know but I'm not sure it will matter.

So, farewell for a while! I'm off to have a baby!

Monday, April 09, 2007


This past weekend was one of those weekends that absolutely exhausts you. Friday morning began early with a list of to-dos that was as long as my arm. Vacuum, clean up back yard, make baby's room a little bit nicer, go grocery shopping, get ready for Good Friday Service. You get the picture. Marty and I were having a cookout that night to say thank you to the people who helped us endlessly in the Fall with remodeling the house. They were the ones who hammered, nailed, dry-walled, sawed and did everything that neither Marty or I knew how to do. They even showed up to our house once in the fall while we were out of the country to put together cabinets. So, yeah, they deserved a nice steak and shrimp dinner. By the end of that day though, I thought I was going to pass out standing in the middle of the room I was so tired.

Then Saturday morning came and with it, another day's worth of to-do's, well, just one to-do - attend Childbirth Education Classes. So, we had McD's two mornings in a row for breakfast and headed to Piedmont Hospital for class. While I'm so grateful for the fact that we went, I have now seen way too many vaginas in my lifetime. Those videos they show you don't even warn you as to when it's coming. One scene it's a shot of her face and she's breathing - the next it's all, well, you know and I'm just not comfortable with that. I was telling someone yesterday that I'm glad we went because I think now Marty understands how important his role is. He doesn't just have to sit by and twiddle his thumbs - not that he was ever planning on that. He gets to be an active participant and be my support which I'm learning more and more will be so necessary. He learned how to try and make me relax and be more comfortable. I think it excited him too to know now how important he is in all of this. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm ready but after Saturday I might be less ready. I don't think I've quite come to grips with how all of this works nor have I realized how much hard work is still ahead. We'll get through it, I know but am I ready, am I excited? I just don't think about it to be honest.

Saturday evening came and we were supposed to have dinner at Bernie and Laura's. Thankfully I changed from the jogging pants and tank top I had on for class into something a little bit more presentable before heading over there. Then, on the way out the door Marty says, "We have to stop and get something to eat. Laura's just having snacks." I asked why we were going then. "To watch the Muppet movies," he non-chalantly replies. Ah! So, we show up at Bernie and Laura's with Taco Bell bags in our hands and there are all these people there who yell "Surprise!" I'm dumbfounded. My jaw hits the floor. I'm so confused and then I just turn and hit Marty because there's a table full of food and he just let me eat a Chalupa. Thank goodness I had changed my clothes. All these beautiful friends of mine had showed up to Laura's house to throw a shower! There was fondue and mushroom dip and cake and games and presents and just fun times hanging out. I loved it! I couldn't believe that Kelly and Laura and Emma pulled it off and that so many other people helped. That was definitely one surprise for which I had no clue - at all! Thank you everyone who came and everyone who pitched in to make it work. I don't even know what went on behind the scenes but you guys really know how to make a girl feel special. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Then Easter came and with it a new Easter outfit which itched and unless I continually pulled my pants up, made me look like Humpty Dumpty. Pants in the right place though and I was cute. Pants slipping and I looked like a little person. Ella was decked out in her beautiful Easter Dress with matching hat might I add. The Easter Bunny visited and even thought of Justice! He got beachwear - sunhat, sunglasses, sunshirt, swim diaper, everything. And I got CHOCOLATE!!! I love that Easter Bunny!

So, my weekend was full. It even included a trip to the movies last night to see Blades of Glory! What a great way to end the weekend!

Now, if only I had a few days to recover from my weekend.

Here's to three day weekends, cookouts, surprises, labor techniques and the Easter Bunny! I hope your Easter was as full and wonderful as mine!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Only Three Weeks To Go

With three weeks left before Justice arrives (you know, more or less) I'm still amazed at the things that have and are still happening to me and to him. I'm amazed at the movement I feel from him almost constantly now. Sometimes I wish he would quit but other times I just enjoy watching the rise and fall of my abdomen knowing it's not me making that happen. I'm amazed that just recently he started having the hiccups and now it's a daily occurance - one I'm not all that fond of but still amazed by. I can't figure out why or how he gets them. I'm amazed by the fact that I can still tie my shoes and shave my legs although not without some struggle. I'm amazed that ,so far, I'm stretch mark free. I'm amazed that I can continue to funtion on little to no sleep because the trips to the bathroom at night now come in at an average of four a night. I'm amazed that I have not had any cravings throughout this entire pregnancy. Foods that I absolutely didn't want have been bountiful - foods that I absolutely had to have or else I would die have been non-existant. I'm amazed that as hard as we've worked to make the house ready for Justice, we're still not through. I'm amazed that Lilly knows something's up and won't leave my side of the bed at night. I'm amazed at how prepared we seem to be - car seat in the car, crib put together, changing table put together - and at the same time, how unprepared we seem to be - things needing to be washed and sterilized, items put away, bassinet put in place.

Last but not least, what I can't seem to fathom, imagine or wrap my head around is how different our lives will be once he comes. All of our priorities will shift and life as we now know it will be different. I wonder if how I relate to friends will be different. I find myself afraid that I'll bore them with stories of spit up and diaper changes or that I won't get as much time with them as I do now. I guess this is part of life - or some people's lives. People keep asking me if I'm ready. Ready to stop carrying him around on the inside? Yes. Ready to meet him and see what he looks like? Yes. Ready with all of the things he will need? I hope so. Ready for the emotional changes headed my way? I don't know how you prepare for that. Ready for the responsibility? I'm not sure. It's all so crazy.

I guess I've gone to rambling now and for that I'm sorry. Just a lot on my mind that I seem to say every day but yet can't shake.

Marty's out of town this weekend so the prayer for now is that Justice won't decide to make his appearance until Marty's back in town.

Here's hoping that at least a little more of the physical preparations happen this weekend.


Friday, March 23, 2007

My BIGGEST Pet Peeve

Everyone hates telephone salesmen - no doubt. Discover Card salespeople are the worst. They call and ask if you're home - you tell them no. Leave it at that! But then they say, well, you're not so and so. Okay, maybe I am. Don't call me on the lie I just told you. Take the hint - I don't want to talk to you. Whatever it is you have to sell me isn't worth my time! No I don't want a bigger spending limit; no I don't want insurance for my purchases that costs me $2.99/month; No! No! No! No! No! No! I've done everything in my power to make these calls stop. I no longer have a home phone. I added our cell phone numbers to that government no call site. So far, so good.

But here's what's worse - Christian Salespeople! Please don't get me wrong. I love Jesus. I have a heart for ministry. I want people to know and love my Savior. I do! I really do! But what's worse about Christian salespeople is that they call you at work where it's unethical to screen your calls and darn IT for not giving you one of those nifty phones that tells you who's calling. Then, they launch into a lengthy discussion with you about the type of ministry you're in and how you just need their product - the Bible study that's so edgy, so hip, so eye-catching! I fell prey a few times. Thought maybe BlueFishTV really did have some quality stuff. I got the little box with all the DVDs and realized that really - I could've done a better job. Then, oh and then, they want you to pay them to return it. Please include $4.75 to cover our costs for shipping! Say what?!?

Today I get a call from BlueFish and it's a man who won't shut up. Christian salespeople don't even give you a chance in the beginning to say "Thank You, I'm not interested." Then, if you tell them you're not interested AFTER you've listened to them drone on for at least 10 minutes, they make you feel guilty and continue to push you to accept their product for your resource room or to share with other Salvationists or to just watch and return - for $4.75!

The only thing I keep thinking is, please, just send me a flyer for your conference or your materials. I'll come if I hear from someone else that it's really worth my time. If not, then I have the option just to throw it in the trash. As for your materials, get LifeWay to stock them. Then, when I need some materials, I can go there and choose whether or not to purchase.

Why is it that I always feel like they think I'm not really a Christian when I hang up the phone? Ugh!

And you thought this was going to be another diatribe about my pregnancy!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A family Affair

This past Saturday was our first baby shower! Mom, Danielle, Kelly and I left Tucker early that morning (I didn't think 7 a.m. occurred twice on Saturdays but evidently it does - as does 6 a.m., the time when we woke up to be ready to leave at 7). By the way, I am also aware of the fact that once Justice arrives, I'll probably never sleep past 7 a.m. again. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

So, we got to Gastonia around 10:30. Most of the people who came were all family - even family members I didn't know showed up! Go figure! They even brought the best presents. One is pictured below - the blue and green quilt - love it! That's from my dad's cousin Judy who I had never met until last year when she and her two sisters came to Danielle's shower.

Poor Heather was the only non-family member there. She was a super sport about the whole thing and really got into it all - even though she doesn't do the girly things in life. She did mention however that my accent was much worse this past weekend than it was when I visited her and Rob a few weeks earlier. Warning - that's what family does to you.

That afternoon we had yet another shower for my prego cousin Kelly. She was so surprised and it was nice to be on the other end of a shower - taking pics, writing down gift items.

Sunday, got to hang out with Kelly (not the cousin but the friend), Lesley and Laura. We enjoyed brunch at Murphy's and then painted pottery to celebrate Laura's birthday. I'm excited to get our pieces back because everyone was so creative. Perhaps I'll get to publish pics of the finished products. Anyway, it was a great day to talk and listen, spend time with the girls, and hope for more opportunities like that.

Just in case anyone else is counting - we now have 5 weeks and 5 days left until the due date. Everytime I think about that I feel like someone just knocked the wind out of me. Is that a bad thing? Oh well.

My lovely aunts (who threw the shower), my mother and I behind the diaper cake. By the way, my mom saw what I was packing to wear that day to the shower and totally ambushed me.

Cousin Judy and I holding the lovely blanket she made for Justice.

The reversible blanket my Granny made for us. I love that Granny!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Thrill of it All

Two days ago Marty looks at me and says, "We've only got seven weeks to go until your due date!" He's smiling. I, on the other hand, almost begin to hyperventilate. "Nu uh," I say," we have eight weeks left. Then, he proves it to me on a calendar.

How did that happen? How did we get to seven weeks and I thought we were at eight? I'm not sure but eight I could handle. That was 2 months. I still had 2 months. Seven weeks is less than two months - it's one month and three weeks or, to be exact, 53 days from today!

Excitement has started to set in. The things I had been postponing until, you know, right before the baby comes I should be doing. Freezing meals, seriously cleaning the house, washing baby clothes. I don't know. What else do you do right before a baby comes? Oh yeah, hang doors, paint walls and listen to your husband smack his thumb with a hammer. (Just kidding - he's pretty good with tools.)

The past couple of months have been crazy. Got to paint pottery with best friend Laly. Below are some pictures. Bought a new car - Nissan Pathfinder to be exact. Marty's like a kid in a candy store. Went to breastfeeding school. Who knew you had to be taught how to feed your kid?

Now I'm looking forward to the showers my lovely family and friends are throwing all over the place. I get to go paint pottery this Sunday with Laura and Kelly to celebrate Laura's birthday. I think I'm addicted. So, that's life in a nutshell. I'm just seriously hoping now that all the stuff for work gets done before baby comes.

Here's to the next 53 days!

Monday, February 26, 2007

1:19 AM - Smoke Detector's battery dies causing short horrendously ear splitting noise to go off once every 1 to 2 minutes.

1:20 AM - Marty tries replacing battery

1:30 AM - Smoke Detector is now wrapped in a towel and safely placed in the garage (far away from human ears)

Added to the TO DO LIST:

Purchase Smoke Detector

Hope your evening is much more restful!

Friday, February 23, 2007

The Beginning of Week 31

I have 9 weeks left until Justice comes. Surprisingly enough (i guess) I'm not ready for this to be over. I'm not ready to "get this over with" nor do I want him to come early. Janell said last week, "Mark my words, he'll be here in six weeks." Wha huh? No please. I haven't said this to most people but I'm going to confess. I don't want him to come early because if he does then I'll have to return to work before I get to go on vacation with my family. So, I have about a 2 week span where he could come early. Anymore than that and I'm back at work while everyone else gets tans. Not that I tan really but I would like to feel the sand beneath my feet.

Laly came to visit this weekend. She's the greatest. We went and painted pottery and spent ALL of the day there. Who knew it took so long to make a teapot pretty? That whole three coats of paint rule can be a bit much. We ate at Everybody's Pizza. If you haven't been - you should go. Love it!

More than that, I just love spending time with my best friend. It's about quality time and conversation when we're together. We talk about everything - our relationships, people we care about, work, our hopes, our dreams. It's not all serious but it's so refreshing to just spend time with someone that you know genuinely cares and wants to know what's going on and that you trust with anything. Wish we still lived in the same city. Maybe someday.

Valentine's Day was nice. We didn't celebrate until the Friday afterwards though. Actually, Marty found his present a day early. It was my fault. I asked him to empty the closet where it was stashed so that the carpet people could get to the floor in there. There it was. Doh! I even missed seeing his reaction but he assures me he likes it. I got roses in three colors this year - white for "I can't remember," Marty said, yellow because we're friends and red because he loves me. He's sweet but also a little sappy at times. He took me to California Dreamin' and I had lovely fried shrimp - yummmmmm. (This post is starting to sound like I'm hungry, I'm not, I promise). He also gave me a FANTASTIC GC to Spa Sydell for a prenatal massage but that was a belated birthday gift. Hey, if I have to wait a month every year for a gift that good, I don't mind one bit.

We're heading to Charlotte this weekend for some relaxation with Rob and Heather. We'll get to spend some time with the War College students which should be exciting. I always love receiving the wisdom Rob and Heather have to share.

Next week I'm off to New Orleans to do a set up trip for the Salvationist Service Corps teams that will be spending their summer in Gulfport or NOLA. Should be interesting.

Maybe I am a little hungry or perhaps I simply daydream about food all the time. Does anyone else do that? Maybe it's the whole being pregnant thing. I'm not amazed anymore when people tell me how much weight they gained while they were pregnant. It's hard work NOT gaining all that weight.

I'll quit rambling now.
Have a lovely weekend.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

So this is what they call nesting

I had read about nesting. I heard stories from other women who went through it during their last trimester. I just always wondered what it would look like and whether or not it would happen to me. Honestly, I always secretly hoped it would. It just seemed like some sort of instinctual desire that would take over and help me work through the lack of energy to make sure things got done. Turns out, I was right! It was almost as if the desire kicked in just as Marty's plane left for Argentina. His absence I would not allow to keep me from moving forward. In fact, I saw it as the perfect opportunity to get more done!

So, in the past 2 weeks, we've gotten an over the range microwave installed, one light fixture installed (soon to be two), two bedrooms painted (one is Justice's), a hallway painted and tonight - the family room! Tomorrow, carpet will be installed. Thursday the other light gets installed and this weekend - perhaps we'll see a complete house (perhaps). I can't leave Marty out of this list however. Yesterday, he came home from Argentina and after a short nap, he was up and finished the laminate floor in the kitchen!!!

So, it turns out I was worried about not being ready for nothing. Justice will have a place to lay his head when we bring him home from the hospital (as long as Marty can figure out how to put the crib together) and Marty and I will even have a more beautiful house out of the deal too!

Seriously, it almost feels like a completely new house. There's still a long list of stuff that has to be done - doors hung, hardward installed, trim painted and hung, blah blah blah. But! But, there's this sense of accomplishment that comes with it all that makes the pain and the sleepiness worth it.

Life is slowly returning to normal. We actually eat meals at home now, that I cook. Nevermind that they may or may not have come out of a box. If I have to add heat, I cooked it.

So, nesting, as it turns out, is a real thing - not just a myth. And it didn't pass me by! Hallelujah!

Now, If I could just get Marty to realize how much more superior Starbucks is to Dunkin Donuts, I could at least get a morning caffeine fix instead of just chocolate milk.

Friday, January 19, 2007

What's already week 27?

People keep asking me when I'm due. I think I might answer that one question on average about 3 times a day. I don't mind (April 22, by the way)I think the part that scares me is the response that usually follows. "It's coming!" or "It'll be here before you know it!" Perhaps to some women that's reassurance - "Thank goodness it's almost over," "it can't come fast enough," "i'm ready." However, for me, that response scares me to death.

Please know, I'm really starting to enjoy being pregnant. I don't mind people touching my belly anymore not since I started to feel him move around anyway. I don't mind people asking how I'm feeling. But perhaps that's the problem too. I'm just now starting to get the hang of it and I'm over the half way mark! Marty looked at me last night and said, "Just 13 more weeks!" I think I might have gone into shock.

When people respond, "Not long now," all I can think of is the mess that still clutters my home under the guises of kitchen remodeling and the mess my husband calls his office which is actually where he keeps his clothes piled on a chair and a lot of musical instruments. All of this stands in the way of a room becoming a nursery and me feeling a little bit more secure about a baby coming home with us one day. All of that haunts me when someone says, "not long now!" "I'll never be ready," is my immediate thought. I suppose that's why people look at me with such confusion after they give a remark that probably brings relief to women and my face simply scrunches up and I give a pathetic, "yeah."

So, basically, I just wanted to let the world know, via this source, that I really am excited. If it doesn't look like it when you're trying to be assuring please forgive me. The fear just seems to take over at the most inopportune times. I'll try better from now on I promise. We're getting there as far as being prepared but in the meantime, please accept my apologies.

Thank you most sincerely,

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Orange Peel!

Last night Marty and I went out with a bunch of friends to celebrate my birthday. It was a little late but I didn't mind. I got great sushi out of the deal. Near the end of the meal, Bernie tells the server that it is my birthday. To my horror, the next thing you hear is a really loud man over a microphone yelling, "Happy Birthday" along with all of the wait staff and even the kitchen staff. They sang to me in English and what I can only presume to be Japanese.

At the end of the singing - I was at this point ready to kill Bernie - our server says to me, "Our chef here at Ru Sans got something extra special for you for your birthday." He then lays a plate on the table in front of me with an orange on it. "Oh, uh, thanks?" I respond. "No, open it," he says. It's got a few cuts in it. So I begin to peel away afraid something might jump out at me or squirt me. Well, when I finally got the orange peeled, I really did have an extra special gift from the chef - a man made out of an orange peel. He was quite equipped - if you know what I mean.

Just in case you don't, here's a pic to let you know.

That made every embarrassing moment worth it.

Here's hoping your birthday is just as hilarious!

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